Package org.concord.util.beans

Interface Summary
BeanInfo A bean implementor who wishes to provide explicit information about their bean may provide a BeanInfo class that implements this BeanInfo interface and provides explicit information about the methods, properties, events, etc, of their bean.
ExceptionListener An ExceptionListener is notified of internal exceptions.

Class Summary
BeanDescriptor A BeanDescriptor provides global information about a "bean", including its Java class, its displayName, etc.
CCXMLDecoder This is a bean decoder back-compliant with Java prior-1.4 version using reflection.
CCXMLEncoder This is a bean encoder back-compliant with Java prior-1.4 version using reflection.
DefaultPersistenceDelegate The DefaultPersistenceDelegate is a concrete implementation of the abstract PersistenceDelegate class and is the delegate used by default for classes about which no information is available.
Encoder An Encoder is a class which can be used to create files or streams that encode the state of a collection of JavaBeans in terms of their public APIs.
EventHandler The EventHandler class provides support for dynamically generating event listeners whose methods execute a simple statement involving an incoming event object and a target object.
EventSetDescriptor An EventSetDescriptor describes a group of events that a given Java bean fires.
Expression An Expression object represents a primitive expression in which a single method is applied to a target and a set of arguments to return a result - as in "a.getFoo()".
FeatureDescriptor The FeatureDescriptor class is the common baseclass for PropertyDescriptor, EventSetDescriptor, and MethodDescriptor, etc.
IndexedPropertyDescriptor An IndexedPropertyDescriptor describes a property that acts like an array and has an indexed read and/or indexed write method to access specific elements of the array.
Introspector The Introspector class provides a standard way for tools to learn about the properties, events, and methods supported by a target Java Bean.
MethodDescriptor A MethodDescriptor describes a particular method that a Java Bean supports for external access from other components.
ParameterDescriptor The ParameterDescriptor class allows bean implementors to provide additional information on each of their parameters, beyond the low level type information provided by the java.lang.reflect.Method class.
PersistenceDelegate The PersistenceDelegate class takes the responsibility for expressing the state of an instance of a given class in terms of the methods in the class's public API.
PropertyChangeEvent A "PropertyChange" event gets delivered whenever a bean changes a "bound" or "constrained" property.
PropertyDescriptor A PropertyDescriptor describes one property that a Java Bean exports via a pair of accessor methods.
SimpleBeanInfo This is a support class to make it easier for people to provide BeanInfo classes.
Statement A Statement object represents a primitive statement in which a single method is applied to a target and a set of arguments - as in "a.setFoo(b)".
XMLDecoder The XMLDecoder class is used to read XML documents created using the XMLEncoder and is used just like the ObjectInputStream.
XMLEncoder The XMLEncoder class is a complementary alternative to the ObjectOutputStream and can used to generate a textual representation of a JavaBean in the same way that the ObjectOutputStream can be used to create binary representation of Serializable objects.

Exception Summary
IntrospectionException Thrown when an exception happens during Introspection.
PropertyVetoException A PropertyVetoException is thrown when a proposed change to a property represents an unacceptable value.