Class SkipStatement

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class SkipStatement
extends Statement

The SkipStatement class implements the node that supports the semantics of the "skip" statement. The skip statement, when used inside a block of statements, causes control to go to the end of the block. If the block is the statement controlled by a loop statement then skip works just like a "continue" statement in the C language. A label version of skip would take control to the end of the enclosing statement with the same label (label semantics not yet implemented). The skip works in this semantic engine by merely setting a flag in the current stack frame. It is up to the enclosing semantic nodes to determine if they should implement skip semantics at their level of scope.

$Revision: $ $Date: 2001/04/28 00:39:31 $
$Author: ed $

Fields inherited from class org.concord.util.script.Statement
Fields inherited from class org.concord.util.script.ScriptObject
beginColumn, beginLine, debug, deleted, doConversion, endColumn, endLine, name, nil, runtimeTable, script
Fields inherited from interface java.beans.BeanInfo
ICON_COLOR_16x16, ICON_COLOR_32x32, ICON_MONO_16x16, ICON_MONO_32x32
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void interpret()
          This does nothing.
Methods inherited from class org.concord.util.script.Statement
Methods inherited from class org.concord.util.script.ScriptObject
delete, findConstructor, findMethod, getAdditionalBeanInfo, getArrayValue, getAtom, getBeanDescriptor, getCurrentFrame, getDefaultEventIndex, getDefaultPropertyIndex, getEventSetDescriptors, getField, getFieldValue, getIcon, getMethodDescriptors, getName, getPropertyDescriptors, getScript, popFrame, pushFrame, setArrayValue, setCurrentFrame, setFieldValue, setName, setScript, setSourceBounds
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public SkipStatement()
Method Detail


public void interpret()
Description copied from class: ScriptObject
This does nothing. Maybe should be abstract?
interpret in class Statement