Package org.concord.biologica.engine

Interface Summary
IChromosome This interface represents a chromosome which all chromosomes implement.
INucleicAcid This interface presents the API for a nucleic acid, either a full strand of DNA or RNA or just a segment of one.
INucleicAcidHolder This interface presents the API for a holder of nucleic acid.

Class Summary
AlgorithmicNucleicAcid This class represents a nucleic acid whose bases are algorithmically and randomly generated.
AminoAcid This class represents an amino acid object.
Base This class represents a Base object, as in the base purines and pyrimidines which form DNA and RNA.
BioEngine This class represents the Java Bean representing all of the BioScope engine.
BioEngineBeanInfo This class contains the information necessary for a Java Beans builder (e.g.
Characteristic This class represents a characteristic of a trait of a species.
ChromosomeSpecification This class represents the specification of a particular chromosome for use in creating an organism.
Codon This class represents a Codon object, groups of 3 bases which code for particular amino acids.
Debug Debug contains useful code and constants for debugging.
ElementContext This class represents a context for an XML element during the process of reading that element in from a BioLogica XML file.
Elements This class contains the name strings and ids for engine XML elements.
EngineObject This abstract class is the base for all BioScope engine classes and defines the basic API's that all engine classes must implement.
EngineProp This class contains definitions for BioLogica engine simple and vector property names.
EngineStrings This class contains the strings for the engine package.
Environment This class represents an environment.
Family This class represents a family of diploid organisms consisting of a female parent organism, a male parent organism and a set of child organisms.
Gene This class represents a gene.
GenotypeToPhenotypeRule This class represents a rule for choosing a phenotype from a genotype.
ImportContext This class represents a context for a set of objects being imported into an active BioLogica process.
NucleicAcid This class represents a container nucleic acid, which is little more than a collection of other nucleic acids, some of which are alleles, some algorithmic sequences, some containers, etc.
Organism This class represents an organism.
OrganismAllele This class represents an organism allele - an allele within one organism.
OrganismAllelePair This class represents a pair of organism alleles or, in the case of sex chromosomes, it can represent a single allele on a single chromosome.
OrganismChromosome This class represents an organism chromosome - a chromosome which has a length and some organism alleles.
OrganismChromosomePair This class represents a pair of organism chromosomes, either a pair of autosomes or a pair of sex chromosomes.
OrganismImage This class represents a portion of the image used to draw an organism.
PathStrings PathStrings is a class containing static references to path strings used in various parts of BioLogica, including the engine.
RawNucleicAcid This class represents a nucleic acid stored as a sequence of base values.
Species This class represents a species.
SpeciesAllele This class represents a species allele - a known, fixed variation of a species gene.
SpeciesChromosome This class represents a species chromosome - a chromosome which has a length, some genes and their alleles, etc.
SpeciesImage This class represents an image containing some of the graphics for drawing the organisms of a particular species.
SpeciesImageColumn This class represents a column of a SpeciesImage.
SpeciesImageRow This class represents a row of a SpeciesImage.
Terrain This class represents a type of terrain in a world.
Trait This class represents a trait of a species.
World This class represents a BioLogica world.

Exception Summary
InternalEngineException Exception indicating that an internal exception occurred within BioLogica's engine.
NotBioLogicaFileException Exception indicating that an attempt was made to use a file which is not a BioLogica file as a BioLogica file.
ObjectDeletedException Exception indicating that the object has been "deleted" and is awaiting garbage collection.
ObjectLockedException Exception indicating that the object has been "locked" and may not be modified.