Package org.concord.biologica.ui

Interface Summary
SelectionPresenter The selection presenter interface, implemented by an object which presents a set of selected engine objects.

Class Summary
AllInOneView This class represents a view which contains and acts as a parent or manager of all of the other views of BioLogica.
BigFertilizationView This class represents a view which shows the 2 sex cells of 2 parents in the sex view and has controls for the user to conduct fertilization within this view of those 2 cells.
BigMeiosisView This class represents a view which shows the sex cell of a parent in the sex view and has controls for the user to conduct meiosis within this view on that sex cell.
BioComboBox This class represents a combobox in BioLogica.
BioToolBar This class represents a toolbar in BioLogica.
CellArc CellArc has the information necessary to draw an arc to represent a portion of a cell boundary.
CellLine CellLine has the information necessary to draw a line to represent a portion of a cell boundary.
ChromosomeView The chromosome view of BioLogica.
DNAView The chromosome view of BioLogica.
FertilizationChromosomeModel FertilizationChromosomeModel contains the data describing the fertilization state for a given chromosome.
FertilizationModel FertilizationModel contains the data describing the fertilization process state for the fertilization of 2 gametes to form a single offspring organism.
FilledCircle FilledCircle has the information necessary to draw a filled circle to represent a portion of a cell boundary.
MeiosisChromosomeModel MeiosisChromosomeModel contains the data describing the meiosis state for a given chromosome.
MeiosisModel MeiosisModel contains the data describing the meiosis process state for a given organism.
MultipleOrganismView The multiple organism view of BioLogica.
ObjectPropertiesView The object properties view of BioLogica.
OrganismAlleleControl This class represents an organism allele combobox in BioLogica.
OrganismView The basic organism view of BioLogica, used to hold all the code that is common to all views that draw organisms in a phenotypical manner.
PedigreeFamily An object that manages the state for a family in the pedigree view.
PedigreeLevel An object that manages the contents and layout of a generation in the pedigree view.
PedigreeObject An object that manages the state for a graphical object shown in the pedigree view.
PedigreeOrganism An object that manages the state for an organism in the pedigree view.
PedigreeOrganismView The pedigree organism view of BioLogica.
PedigreeView The pedigree view of BioLogica.
SelectionSet A selection set, an object which manages a set of selected engine objects, notifies listeners that the selection set has changed, etc.
SexOrganismView This class represents a view which shows a parent or offspring organism in the sex view.
SexView An object of this class will generate the following property change events:
SmallFertilizationView This class represents a view which shows the 2 sex cells of 2 parents in the sex view and has controls for the user to conduct fertilization within this view of those 2 cells.
SmallMeiosisView This class represents a view which shows the sex cell of a parent in the sex view and has controls for the user to conduct meiosis within this view on that sex cell.
SpindleLine SpindleLine has the information necessary to draw a line to represent a portion of a spindle.
StaticOrganismView A simple, static view that shows an organism and does nothing else.
Tool The BioLogica Tool class.
ToolView The tool view of BioLogica.
TreeView The tree view of BioLogica.
TreeViewCellRenderer This class knows how to render (draw) the cells in the species' tree view.
TreeViewModel TreeViewModel extends JTreeModel to extends valueForPathChanged.
TreeViewNode A node of the tree in the left hand panel of the Species main window.
UIGraphics BioLogica graphics colors, fonts and other static stuff and methods.
UIProp This class contains definitions for BioLogica UI properties.
UIView The basic user interface view of BioLogica.
WelcomeView The welcome view of BioLogica.